STEP 1: Following is the path For to Maintain the Excise Registration 

  • IMG activity path : 
  • Transaction code : SPRO


STEP 2: Click on execute button to Maintain Excise Registrations
STEP 3: Then Click on New Entry (  Following type Window will Open)

STEP 4: Update the Following Data
  • Excise Reg.: maintain the excise Reg ID , you can input the 3 didgit character of your own choice. This ID identifies the excise registration throughout the system. 
  • EXCISE REGISTRATIONS :Each entity is assigned its own excise registration number.Every factory that manufactures excisable goods is required to register separately, so that a business with seven factories requires seven registrations.
  • ECC NO :A Tax number assigned, in India, by the department of revenue to legal and natural persons liable to excise dutyThe taxpayer is required to obtain a separate ECC number for each registered premises
  • EXCISE REG. NO : The number used to identify an excise registration.When a business registers with the local excise authorities, the authorities issue it a separate number for each registration
  • EXCISE RANGE : A subdivision, in India, of an excise division. The excise ranges are responsible for issuing ECC numbers
  • EXCISE DIVISION : A subdivision of an excise commissionerate, in India. Excise divisions are split up into excise ranges
  • EXCISE COMMISSIONERATE : An administrative body, in India, that assesses and collects excise duty. It reports to the Central Board of Excise and Customs.There are around 90 commissionrates in India
  • AED (ADDITIONAL EXCISE DUTY) : A form of excise duty, in India, levied on a select range of products. If you click that check box then it will specifies that the excise registration is liable to additional excise duty.
  •  SED (SPECIAL EXCISE DUTY) : A form of excise duty in India on a limited number of goods. Specifies that the excise registration is liable to special excise duty.
  • CESS : In India, a tax on the manufacture of certain products
  • EI ITEMS (EXCISE INVOICE ITEMS) : Shows the maximum number of the line items that we are allowed to include in a single outgoing excise invoice. This information affects the transactions for creating outgoing excise invoices for factory sales and for other movements.This information is used to split the transfer postings items into multiple subcontracting challans
  • Reg set : Here we have to specify the description of Excise Registration Set.
  • PARTIAL CENVAT CREDIT (PARTIAL CR) : Specifies that the excise registration is allowed to credit only a portion of its input excise duty to its CENVAT account. When we post a goods receipt, the system splits the input excise duty on the material into its deductible and nondeductible amounts. It posts the deductible duty to the appropriate CENVAT account, and adds the nondeductible duty to the material value. This information is also shown when we post the incoming excise invoice
  • Indctr NCC :National Calamity Contingent Duty: In addition to BED , NCCD is imposedd on selected range of product like Tobacco ;Cigarate etc.If goods are exempted from excise they are exempted from NCCDalso.
  • AT1 , AT2 AT3 : If you check the BOX AT1 ,than only the SECONDARY EDUCATION CESS ,applicable as per the year 2007 in india ,will flow in the GRN's etc. for that particular EXCISE REGISTRATION, AT2 and AT3 as of now maintained as DUMMY ,if any taxes come up in future ,the AT2 and AT3 may be utilized for the same
 STEP 5 : Click on Save Button to store Configured data

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